Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Gestestational Diabetes

I'm feeling discouraged and sad. I finally took the 3 hr Fasting Glucose test and drastically failed. I have really, really been trying to fight having gestestational diabetes, but here it is. I have been off of medications for it for 2.5 months and have pretty successfully been able to control my blood sugars with diet and exercise, which is totally awesome. I am now going to have to start charting my numbers closely again and if I can't keep it under control, then is will have to go back on medication.

The problem is that, on medications for gestestational diabetes, they want the baby to come by 39-40 weeks, so they would normally schedule an induction. But, being VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean), it wouldn't be an induction, it would be another Cesarean.

I don't know why I have my heart so set on a vaginal birth, but today I was tempted to just give up. I wanted a big pizza & Coke for dinner. I cried and took a nap then made vegan stuffed bell peppers for myself, for dinner.

Apparently Gestestational Diabetes is not a disease of my own doing, it's more genetic. I can't help but feel lousy about it, but need to continue to focus on what I have been and CAN do: continue to eat healthy and exercise moderately.

1 comment:

  1. I probably should not have brought you that pie. I am sure it tipped the test. Keep up the good work - you and baby N cutie pie are going to be just fine!
